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How to buy $HUHU

Only 2 steps

How to buy
for 1 minute?

Step 1


For USDC/USDT/WBTC, use Meson.
For Bitcoin, use MerlinChian Bridge

Step 2

Buy on

Open Merlinswap and select HUHU token
then click "Swap"


Chapter 1 The Legend of HUHU Cat

In the vibrant world of MerlinChain, amidst the groundbreaking innovations of BTC's L2 solutions, a unique digital spirit was born – the HUHU Cat. This enigmatic entity emerged at the intersection of advanced blockchain technology and decentralized dreams, embodying the true essence of BTC's transformative potential.


Chapter 2 Merlin's Bitcoin Vision

When HUHU Cat encountered Merlin, it wasn't just a meeting of minds but a fusion of ancient wisdom and futuristic technology. Merlin, a custodian of the Bitcoin ethos, recognized in HUHU Cat the embodiment of Bitcoin's L2 possibilities – security, scalability, and true decentralization.

criminal family

Chapter 3 The HUHU Community – Guardians of the BTC Legacy

Inspired by this fusion, we, a collective of Bitcoin enthusiasts and blockchain visionaries, have united under the banner of the HUHU Community. Our mission is to champion the HUHU Cat project, a beacon on the Merlin Chain, exemplifying the power and security of Bitcoin's L2 innovations.

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